Monday, June 2, 2008

Convenant College Gym Site Visit

We organised through Coen Pre Cast a site visit to Convenant College in Bell Post on the 28/5/08. Here they were erecting non structural pre cast panels and bolting them to the steel coloumns. The dano panel on the lean over trailer is being connected via the lifting inserts using 5-6 tonne olivetti clutches. This 25 tonne Franna crane can only be used for these types of panels, as other panels need to be rotated.

The Franna crane slowly lowers the panel into position while the two ground workers guide it using a burke (large crowbar).

Prior to any panels being lifted on site all the panel locations are marked out on the strip footings, and location pins are drilled in.

Once the structural panels are inplace, they need to be braced and propped using cast-in inserts to the panel and a deadman cast in-ground concrete anchoring brace (nominated on shop drawings).
This is a compliance/delivery document that is unique to each panel, it must have the panel id no., the date poured, the weight and strength of the panel. The crane driver can not lift a panel without this 'birth certificate'.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

the photo with the panel marking , is that pad footing or strip footing? only saying it due to the fact that the structure is portal frame.